Our expertise is the art of distilling plant essential oils and turning them into a unique creation.

The location of our facilities – almost in the heart of the plantations –guarantees the prompt processing of raw materials, ensuring at the same time all the valuable aromatic characteristics of the essential oils.

The installed capacity for raw material processing has a high production potential. The state-of-the-art unit is certified according to all quality standards and is closely monitored by highly skilled technological staff. Our company consistently invests in the enhancement of its logistical infrastructure, always prioritizing quality.

Alpha Lavender conducts thorough checks at every stage of the production process. Our certifications span for the production on the plantations, the distilling facilities, processing procedures, packaging, and for the storage of the final product. Continuous audits are carried out annually by foreign certification bodies with auditors appointed by the clients.

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All our endeavors are dedicated to safeguarding the environment and ensuring responsible management of natural resources, aiming to preserve the balance of the ecosystem and biodiversity. Our commitment is realized through the following practices:
  • Use of modern technological equipment of a superior environmental class, with low fuel consumption and lower emissions of harmful substances.
  • Recycling of used water, reducing water consumption.
  • Use of autonomous photovoltaic system to reduce electricity consumption.
  • Targeting the circular economy with limited use of primary sources and reaping benefits from the multiple life cycles of products.
  • Maintaining the high value of the products while preventing waste disposal and changing their development strategy.
  • Organic approach to all our crops with sustainable agriculture and production of safe products that are not mutated, and no chemicals are used.
  • Innovative equipment and technologies aimed at reducing energy.
Let’s make a positive impact by being mindful of our environmental conduct and setting an example for our children.
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